Are you new to this blog called "Home Sanctuary" and wondering what it's all about?
Well, it's simple, really. I'm an organizational wannabe, a FlyLady dropout, and an overwhelmed mom who finally learned the secret of creating the kind of home I always wanted. Now, it didn't happen overnight, but slowly, by making small daily changes in my habits and thought processes, I began to see huge improvements in the way my home looked and felt.
I learned the power of Small Things.
Big things, important things - like making a home feel good and making family members feel loved - happen in small ways. It's easy to lose sight of that when the laundry is taking over your entire life and you forget to take hamburger out of the freezer for dinner. But take heart! You are already doing more than you realize, and maybe all you need is a little direction and inspiration to pull it all together.
That's why I'm here.
Each day on my blog, I post a Small Thing that we can do together....something easy and sometimes crazy, that gets us moving in the right direction. These small daily tasks are really more like "prompts" that help us embrace a way of thinking that celebrates little accomplishments and sees work at home as something worthwhile. Fun, even!
If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed by the tasks of mothering, cleaning, working, organizing and keeping a lid on the chaos, you are not alone. We are ALL right there with you. So I invite you - challenge you - to join us each day! I'm not adding anything to your already-full day, really I'm not. 9 times out of 10 you will read the daily task and think "I need to do that anyway."
So why not make a game out of it and earn some points and prizes along the way? It's easy....and this is the NICEST group of women you'll ever meet - and we are doing these things together! No need to be stuck in drudgery all alone when you've got friends to make the journey enjoyable. And it won't be long before you look up and realize that you're experiencing "sanctuary" at home....without even breaking a sweat!
Here is a Tally Sheet { Download Tally05 } to print off and help you keep track of points assigned to each day's task. Print it off and keep track throughout the month. Here is what we will be playing for this May. The Most Points Winner will receive this:
I created this sweet art piece for my new friend, Tina Wesson, who won Survivor in the 2nd season. She loved it so much that she asked about selling it at the lodge that she I thought I'd make another one for a lucky Company Girl. You and Tina can have matching art!! It is darling, and I've used a page from "Pride and Prejudice" for the little bird....just cuz I love it.
I also always do a Random Drawing prize for any Small Thing participants - no points involved - and I'll let you know what that is at the end of the month.
At month's end, I'll ask you to send in your point totals, so until then, let's just have fun and see what happens! It can only be GOOD!!! Here's to another fantastic month.... :)
Love, Rachel