The short answer to this questions is: occasionally, yes.
Every time I feel that the subject of leggings has been thoroughly covered, I see something that makes me realize...nope, there is still room for my voice of reason.
image via Huffpost
I think leggings can be super cute, when they are done right. Sometimes I mentally give a "pass" to young girls I see, who maybe haven't been brought up to be aware of the idea of "appropriate." I always want to pull them aside and say, "oh, honey, listen." So far, I haven't done that to anyone yet.
But I often really wonder when I see women, say over 35, who really should know better. You know, the ones wearing leggings as pants - out in public.
So here are my two cents: Before you choose to wear leggings, ask yourself a few key questions.
1. Is this a professional occasion, such as work, a job interview, making a presentation, or say, leading worship on stage?
If the answer is "yes" to any of the above, don't wear them! They simply aren't professional.
2. Is my shirt or top long enough in the back AND the front?
Look for a top that goes over the bum. Please. Well over the bum.
3. Do these leggings look like pantyhose?
If they are shiny or sheer...they are pantyhose. Leggings should be completely opaque, and thick enough to hide lumps and bumps.
In fact, thinking of ALL leggings as hosiery might help you evaluate if you've covered enough of it with the rest of your outfit.
4. Am I trying to look sexy?
If the answer is "yes," then I guess you should ask yourself why, and for whom. It's all about meeting the appropriateness of the setting and audience. See question #1.
Now, here is a look that works really well: The shirt is loose enough to balance the silhouette, and it covers everything nicely. Tucked in boots, the style is pulled together and cute, and the attention is not on the leggings themselves.
Last thing! Don't wear tan leggings. Ever.
What are your thoughts on leggings?