O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people;
Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name,
and follow where he leads;
who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
~ Prayer of the Week, Book of Common Prayer
One of my joys in the past few years has been participating in the prayers of the Church through the Book of Common Prayer. Knowing that I am joining millions upon millions of people around the world who are praying the same prayers and liturgies makes me feel connected in a deeply spiritual way. People of all denominations and faith streams use this book throughout the year.
Today, I invite you to make this week’s prayer your own.
Maybe you haven’t prayed in a very long time, or aren’t sure if it’s even worth it to try. I get it, I’ve been there, too. I often struggle to pray. When I’ve found myself feeling that way, it has helped me to simply take the written prayers and use them as my own.
I just pray the weekly prayer and follow the daily liturgies found here. The online version is easy to access - simply click on “Daily Offices” and “Today’s Office” to find your place. That’s all.
And you know what? I’m amazed at what this small activity has done in my life.
It’s allowed me to rest, to stop working so hard to “make something happen.” It’s breathed new life into my spirit.
If you’re spiritually tired, or feel like you want to connect with God but don’t know how anymore, I encourage you to start with this one simple prayer, this week’s Prayer of the Week.
Rest. You can let the prayers of the saints carry you today.
You’re in good company.
We will pray it with one another.
We’re all in this together.