It's a book giveaway day!

I'm so excited about a new book called, With Love, Mom - by Dawn Camp. If you are a mother or a daughter, or HAVE a mother or a daughter, this book is for you!
With Love, Mom is a collection of stories about the remarkable bond between mothers and daughters. I had the immense honor to both contribute a story (one of my favorite blog posts ever), and write the foreword to this sweet book. Here is a bit of it:
My own two daughters are grown. They burst into my life as two little redheads, so full of life and energy and creativity. I wondered sometimes, well, lots of times, how on earth to raise these darling hooligans. They tested my patience, tried my mothering skills, drove me to my knees...and they delighted me to no end. They taught me, truly, how to love. My girls, Lauren and Meghan, now have daughters of their own. As I watch them raise their girls, I have a chance to see what I could not always see clearly when we were in the thick of figuring this "mother-daughter thing" out: I see just how precious this gift is.
I see how beautiful it is.
Aw, MAN. I get teary just thinking about my girls.
This book is an invitation to pull up a chair and listen to other moms and daughters. No matter where you are in your journey, you'll find encouragement, inspiration, and wisdom from this sisterhood of friends.
I'm giving away a copy of With Love, Mom today!
Simply leave me a comment here that says something you love about your mom, or that you love about your daughter. We will all love reading the comments, and I'll draw a random winner over the weekend.
BTW, This would make a wonderful Mothers Day gift as well....just saying.