- to prepare and work on (land) in order to raise crops; till.
- to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, crop, etc.) by labor and attention.
- to develop or improve by education or training; train; refine: to cultivate a singing voice.
One of the my favorite scenes in life is the acres and acres of green corn and beans on the rolling hills of Nebraska...it is one of my best childhood memories. My uncle is a farmer there, and I know the hard work and cultivation that goes into making those crops happen. If you've ever driven through the midwest in spring time, you've probably seen farmers in gigantic tractors, tilling up their land in preparation for planting. They know that a crop doesn't just start when the seeds get sown, but it actually begins long before that - with soil management and planning months in advance. And once the crop is underway, there is a whole science of tending, watering, fertiziling and harvesting at precise moments for the best yield.
As moms and keepers of the home, one of the biggest aspects of OUR job is cultivation. Whether you know it or not, you are laying the groundwork for the kind of crop you will harvest. Soil preparation, fertilization, feeding, weeding, planting, tending, pruning....all are activities that apply to raising children and creating an atmosphere for growth and health.
Let's do a Small Thing today!
Today's Small Thing is to cultivate....intentionally.
Let me ask you: What kind of harvest do you want to reap? Here are some ideas to get you started:
If you want your children to be readers, take a trip to the library and set a "reading time" in their rooms.
If you want peace and quiet, actively set boundaries on noise levels and provide consequences for indoor yelling: i.e. show your kids the back door :)
For an appreciation of healthy lifestyle, create a meal that features an array of vegetables.
For spiritual growth, plan scripture memorization, a family devotional or a commitment to church.
For a deeper relationship with your husband, plan a conversation around a topic you know he enjoys. Take an active interest in something that's important to him.
For an atmosphere of "sanctuary" tidy up your living spaces and turn on a lamp or two. Make it cozy and nice.
The list is endless......I've given you just a few thoughts.
Today, think about the kind of life you want to live, and then take steps to cultivate that life.
Don't just expect a crop to grow out of rocky, untended soil. Do the hard work of preparation and cultivation and you'll reap the benefits many times over.
What will you be cultivating today? What steps will you take to reap the rewards?
I'd love to hear about the things you're doing!
Flash the Donkey Makes New Friends is all about cultivating kindness. It will inspire great conversation with your kids about ways to be a friend to others. You can find it on Amazon, along with the new paperback version of Flash!