Every summer, just like every January, I vow to get organized. I promise to clean the windows. I am determined to stay on top of the laundry.
But life is so hard.
And Netflix starts the next episode of my binge series before I can find the remote to stop it. Oh well, I'll just watch one more...
If you've just gotten the kids back to school and you're looking around at the aftermath of a fun summer of hanging out, or if you're like me and you have no one to blame but yourself because the kids have moved away, it may be time to pull out my easy housekeeping system.
I know the value of having a "reasonably clean" home. I may never win a Martha Stewart award, but I've learned that I need a certain level of orderliness to function well. Also, my husband is a neatnik and the truth is, I value him. I love that guy to pieces. And that means I want to "up my game" a bit, and be a little less haphazard in my personal approach to housekeeping.
Does having a "whole system" seem hard? It does to me, too. That's why my techniques (once called "laughable" by a commenter) work for me. I use the term "system" very loosely.
Having a bit of structure to your efforts means that you can allow yourself time to pursue personal goals, live generously, and love freely. You don't have to feel chained to an overbearing system. Simply walk through the easy steps to figure out what works best for you...and voila. You've got it!
I've put the best of my tips in one, free, downloadable PDF. If it still seems like too much to handle, skip on down to page 17 for my Minimum Maintenance routine.
Really, Minimum Maintenance all you'll need to survive. Trust me on that.
You can download the full PDF here - for free!