For over six years (2008-2013+) I used to post daily Small Things here. They were little tasks that we could do together that would help us create a sense of sanctuary in our homes. Peace, order and beauty were always within reach of our collective, disorganized selves!
I do miss those Small Things sometimes!
And I worry about you, my dear loyal readers.
How are you managing without my goofy jobs to keep you focused? How can you possibly cope with the chaos of life, without Small Things to ground you??
I'm kidding, of course. But since we are on the subject, I found myself needing a Small Thing in order to strap on some courage as I dealt with some disgusting trash. I'd made the mistake of leaving a garbage bag on the back porch overnight, and had awoken to the lovely sight of rotten vegetables and smelly diapers strewn about.
Thank you, raccoons. You rock.
I nearly fainted in fear of handling the slimy debris, until I remembered this FANTASTIC Small Thing - one of my all time favorites. And I thought maybe you might could use a simple task on your Friday.
Do you have a task that makes you tremble in fear and trepidation?
Come on! It feels GREAT to be brave! Read on:
William Wallace had awesome face paint.
Rocky Balboa had Adrienne.
Luke Skywalker had The Force.
Wonder Woman had that boost-ee-ay.
And I? Why, I've got rubber gloves.
Some household jobs call for extra courage, and that's when I pull out the gloves.
Dog barf is no match for the latex armor that can be strapped on in a moment's notice. Rotting trash that has been ripped open by marauding raccoons (or the dog) can be dealt with mightily, clogged toilets defeated, cat litter boxes exorcised and HAZMAT diapers removed swiftly and easily with the power of rubber gloves.
I love gloves for their fierce protection against the elements of cleaning products and common waste. I use the gentler versions for the dishes (cold spaghetti cannot faze me when I am so clad), but my true heroes are the tough blue guys who come out when the harshest cleaning battles rage. I'm amazed how calmly I can deal with the most disgusting of situations, like bathroom mold and toilet rings. And let's not forget wet bed-sheets or middle-of-the-night nausea.
Today's Small Thing is to do one job that requires, yea even begs for, rubber gloves.
Clean the inside of your kitchen trash can, scrub a tub or potty, or simply wash the dishes under the protection of your stretchy five-fingered friends and see if you don't relish the inner peace you'll find.
You pick the job, but let the gloves pick the fight.
Strap on some courage today, girlfriend!
What will you tackle with the aid of your gloves? I'm going to face the deepest bowels of our antiquated toilet that is so hard to clean, blech.
I can do this I can do this I can do this.....
And if I were to pick a Song of the Day: It would be Courageous, by Casting Crowns