We were sitting around the table awhile ago and the subject of recurring dreams came up. Do you have those? Oh, my...our repeating scenarios had us laughing, all of us comfortably pushed back from the table and satisfied with good food.
But I dreaded going to bed that night.
I was sure my vivid nightmare of STUMBLING ON STONE STEPS AND BREAKING MY TEETH OFF would haunt me once again.
Yeah, that's my recurring dream. Fun, huh?
See there is something about TEETH that horrifies me.
I often dream of having loose teeth...like ALL of them about to fall out of their sockets so I have to hold them in place with my tongue.
And I'm usually needing to tell someone something very important and it's impossible to talk.
I shudder at the thought.
My husband's nightmare was sliding down a banister and having it turn into razor blades.
The kind that are so sharp you don't feel it until you are sliced to ribbons.
My son has dreamed of stepping on a cactus and trying to pull out the spikes, only to have them magnetically get sucked back into his feet, over and over again. Only a kid from Texas, or one who watches too many Loony Tunes, would have that one.
Not all recurring dreams are bad. My grandmother was famous for dreaming of being able to fly, usually several feet off the ground. She could twirl and do somersaults, but usually she just swam through the air.
I can only wish that was my recurring dream.
It's always nice if you are just conscious enough to change the ending of a dream....or go back and re-do parts of your dream. This can work sometimes, but often backfires when you are unable to get out to the rut and you just keep doing the same thing over, and over and over.
Life itself sometimes feels like a recurring dream.
Get up, change a diaper, get kids breakfast, break up argument. Change a diaper. Find sock. Break up argument. Find shoes. Change a diaper. Break up argument.
Over and over.
Wake up, fight traffic, go to work, get home, make dinner, watch TV, collapse in bed. Repeat.
Do you ever feel that way? I do.
Fortunately there are things you can do to "change the ending" of your time warp.
Today, get out of your spinning cycle.
Do something DIFFERENT.
Find a way to change things up.
Break the mold.
Step out of your routine.
Dare to live with a new mindset!
You don't have to maintain "different" all day, but just for a few moments, think a new thought.
React with a fresh attitude.
Take an alternate route home.
Try a new coffee flavor.
Take a chance on friendship, set a goal, or simply take a deep breath.
You choose which part of your life you want to change...and then start making some of those GOOD dreams come true!
Start with one small moment today...and see what happens.
Just for grins: do you have a recurring dream or nightmare? Does it involve loose teeth? Flying? Cacti? Let us know what your crazy dream is!
And...what will you do that's different today?