After a holiday weekend which included helping with my neice's wedding, I'm pooped. And the house could use some help. But where should I start?
I'm keeping things simple by following Mother Goose today. (I'm reprising this post from 2009!)
Mother Goose will inspire us to stay focused on creating sanctuary with this little rhyme today!
Three, Four, Knock on the door: Tidy up the entryway. Do your people walk in the door and dump their stuff right there? Remind them that they have hands attached to their arms and get each person move their things to where they belong. Or, you can get it done the faster way and do it yourself.
Five, Six, Pick up sticks: Do a quick pick-up of your living areas. Scoop up the newspapers, books, sweaters and shoes that clutter your sanctuary. Just spending a few minutes per room can work miracles! Mother Goose was a genius.
Seven, Eight, Lay them straight: Straighten things up. Our subconscious mind registers all the crooked things our eyes see, and it gives us a feeling of unsettledness without even realizing why. A peek at my house reveals chairs not pushed in to the table, throw rugs that are crooked, stacked books and magazines that look like leaning towers of Piza, pictures on the wall that are a little "off," and pillows in disarray. Seeing things straightened feels so good!
Nine, Ten, A big, fat hen: Make a menu plan. A fat hen would make a wonderful stew, but even if you don't have time to kill, pluck and stew a hen, you can make a simple plan for your meals this week. Your menu might include Jack in the Box on Monday and Pizza Hut on Friday, but having a game plan for meals will save you time and money. Get inspired at orgjunkie's site on Menu Plan Mondays.
Thank you, dear readers, for giving me time and space to write and think and work over the past few weeks! I've LOVED having a single focus. My hiatus is almost over and I'll be back to posting regularly! ~ Rachel Anne