It wasn't a great way to finish out the Penny and Prince drama, but I thought I'd go ahead and pick up that nasty bronchitis germ my husband's been walking around with this week. Why not run a fever and lay on the couch with tea, chocolates and movies for a couple of days? While I was at it, I took cough medicine with {blessed} codeine in it, which made me sleep like a baby at night.
To quote Sweet Brown, "Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!"
I suddenly realized it had been over a week since I'd gotten any real work done, unless you count Tuesday, in which I stared at an artboard for multiple hours, created a horrific collage, and then started over completely on Wednesday. I think I finally made some progress yesterday, but of course it's very hard to tell when you've spent half the day squinting at your work before gluing down tiny pieces of paper, and then resuming the squinting. Squinting takes a lotta effort, man.
You might remember this project.
I hope to finish the *last* piece today. It will go into the retail space I've already done four pieces for. The theme that I pitched to the marketing director was "Fusion." Cool, different, creative and, well, fused.
This is the fifth piece, not yet installed, but finished in my studio.
The guitar collage is waiting to be photographed so it can be blown up to super-size. The piece that will go next to this one is the one that has given me SUCH GRIEF. I spent a whole week working on it back in January and then did not get final approval on it was back to the proverbial drawing board. Now that I've started over three times, I think I've got very clear direction and it's *almost* done.
So I've been quiet on the blog this week. Between the bronchitis and this project and book-writing, I've been playing catch up. Thank you all for hanging in there with me.
I have pages and pages of post topics I want to cover and I'm anxious to get back to them! One of the things I want to talk about is developing your creative gifts. Would you be interested in that? Please say yes.
Sometimes, though, you just have to lighten the load...and that's what I did with blogging.
When you get behind/overwhelmed/high on cough syrup, what do YOU do?
What are your coping mechanisms?
Do you implode, take naps in the hopes your work goes away, do you get mad and work harder?
Or do you try and just "do the next thing?"
Help a girl out, here. How do you catch up - or do you ever?
Have a wonderful weekend,
Rachel Anne
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