To make a calendar gift for their mom, the Luxton brothers recreated childhood photos by posing and dressing just as they did when they were taken as kids...with hilarious results.
I first saw these on Facebook, and literally laughed until I cried.
Source: Then/Now
Source: Then/Now
Source: Then/Now
Source: Then/Now
You can find the rest of their photos here.
I love how they got their Dad, their uncle and their dog involved, and elaborately set the scenes and gave the photos that vintage feel. So clever! Something tells me that there is never a dull moment with these guys.
Seeing the ridiculousness of grown men in their childhood scenes gave me such a funny feeling inside, even as I cracked up. For some reason, I felt nostalgic for my own kids' childhood photos, and then I imagined what they would look like today if they recreated them. Oh those '90's hairstyles and clothes. So funny to think about!
It reminded me that my photos are moments captured on my kids' way toward adulthood. They are wonderful memories and they always bring smiles as we look at them. But kids can't stay little kids, and really, who would want that? We want them to grow up, right? But sometimes we as moms keep putting them into their little kid roles. Boo. We can't keep recreating scenes and roles that should be left behind. Eventually those kids do grow up...and we have to, get to, grow with them.
I love all the pictures of my kids in their childhoods. I get very sentimental every time I take them out. But even more, I love knowing that they have become great adults. It's definitely not an easy journey for any of us, but it's worth it.
Yeah, I had to let them grow up.
But I'm keeping my pictures close.
Rachel Anne
How about you? Do you still see your big kids as children? Do you still wish they were wearing footie pajamas? Maybe it's time to let them grow up a little. Maybe it's time for you to be ok with transitioning to new roles. How do you feel about that, mom?