I'm so grateful for my man, Tom. We've been through a whole lot....in a way, we grew up together, since we were practically children when we married. I was 19 and he was a dashing 22.
Quiet, sweet, understated and kind, this man is my best friend and I am so blessed. And now that our kids decided to leave us, we are enjoying a second honeymoon of sorts. Nobody told me about this part...it's been a terrific surprise. But that is a sidenote.
This morning, Tom brought me coffee. It is a simple gesture that means a lot to me because he doesn't touch the stuff himself. He never thinks about going to Starbucks, or having a cup of coffee with a friend, or waking up with a hot cup of joe. That's why, when he goes downstairs and pours just the right amount of cream and adds the coffee and brings it upstairs to me, I feel loved.
Love happens in little ways.
During Valentines week, we tend to think of the big moments: the flowers, candy, fireworks, romantic dinners.....all very grand, but they often have little to do with what a lasting relationship is made of.
A lasting relationship - in marriage and friendship - is about the kindnesses. The small acts of thoughtfulness that go into each day.
Today's Small Thing is to do a special act of kindness.
Sometimes, simply asking, "Can I get you anything?" can make someone's day. How often my husband has looked at me with appreciation for a glass of water, or a second helping of mashed potatoes, or the remote control.
Maybe you could ask, "Is there anything I can do for you today?" My husband always has a mile-long To Do list and loves it when I take something off of it.
Some people call an act of kindness "paying it forward," and I like that saying. Maybe that's what we are doing today. It's just that we usually think of paying it forward to a stranger, when there are people right under our noses who could use a small pick-me-up.
Children are often the most excited about being the recipients of an act of kindness, because even they can sense when someone is going out of their way to do something nice. And they love to be part of a secret plan to make someone else happy - just ask them!
Today, take a moment to perform a small act of kindness toward a family member, co-worker, husband or friend. Bring Sanctuary to another person by making them feel loved.
What small thing can you do for someone? What speaks love to them?