I'm convinced that finding - and appreciating - the beauty around us brings us closer to God. His handiwork reveals so much about his care and love and attention to detail, and His creation shows His incredible glory.
His glory is seen in the sparkle of melting ice from winter berries, the clouds skittering across the sky, and the trees shaking the cold from their leaves. It is seen in the grasses, with their spun-glass coats of frost, the birds searching for seeds and the frozen puddles in the fields. Each day we are given the opportunity to look around and see, truly see, the hand of our Creator....and we often miss it in the hustle of our busy lives. Especially this time of year.
So much to do. So many lists. So many things to accomplish before Christmas arrives.
I feel it. Do you? I'm so behind. Not one gift purchased yet, no cards in the mail, no baking done. Just a work deadline and the knowledge that the clock is ticking.
I need to stop and simply see His beauty.
Today, take a moment to admire something in nature.
Take a deep breath and remember that the God of this amazing universe is actively at work in your life, whether you see it or not, and He cares for you. He has clothed the grasses and trees and flowers in such glory, how much more does he paint His glory into YOUR life?
I'd love to know what beauty you'll find today. How about leaving a comment with one thing you're admiring? Let the joy of finding it fill your heart and draw you to your Maker.