This post is part of my month long series, "Be More Creative" in 31 Days. I am really enjoying thinking about what keeps me inspired and how I can continually be more creative - not just as a writer and artist, but as a wife and mom and business owner. I hope you'll take each day's post and find ways to apply it to your everyday life as well.
H is for Heart.
It's very simple:
The best art comes from the heart.
And if you see art as "communication," you can see why the heart is so important. In fact, if you take Heart out of any kind of communication, you usually end up with something trite, uninteresting and forgettable.
Think of the last time a person's words from a stage or a book moved you. Or a time when a piece of music put a lump in your throat. Or when your child looked at you and said, "I love you." Each person communicated something about themselves - and about yourself - in a transparent, vulnerable way, because it came from their heart. They exposed a part of themselves to you that pulled an involuntary response from you.
I've sat through many business meetings where the lecturers plowed through mind-numbing power-point presentations and I wished to God I was somewhere else. "Oh dear LORD, how much longer?"
And I've been riveted to my seat by speakers whose message is so transparent, vulnerable and compelling that I can hardly breathe. "YES!" my soul responded.
The difference is...Heart.
To be more creative - in any endeaver - you must be willing to be vulnerable and express the "real you." Show us your heart and we will, in turn, show you ours.
Art, after all, is communication.
Here are a few tips to help you create from the heart:
1. Be honest. Skip trying to sound/look/create/like other people, and simply be yourself. Use YOUR words, YOUR colors, YOUR notes...not what you think is popular.
2. Be brave. Take a deep breath and think and feel and speak and create from deep inside you. When YOU are brave, others can be, too.
3. Be humble. Not everyone will love what you do, what you say or how you express yourself. But when you are humble in your approach, no one can really fault you. You don't have it all together and your work tomorrow may look very different than is does today. "I'm still learning," is a great phrase to say when showing your work or revealing yourself.
4. Find support. There is nothing like finding others who share your passions and interests. The internet has opened up whole new worlds for people who thought they were alone in their (painting, drawing, music, motherhood, marriage, fill in the blank). You can learn a lot from them, and you will find it easier to express yourself, knowing there is a common bond of friendship.
5. Be patient. Sometimes your message doesn't come out the way you want it to. Your heart is not translating onto the canvas or into the words you want to write. Take your time. Learn your craft. Let your "voice" develop until what you create sounds and looks "like you."
Today's Be More Creative Assignment is to communicate from the heart.
In marriage, parenting, working and creating, when your words and actions come from your heart there is a chance that something extraordinary will happen. Yes, it's a risk, but it just may liberate you! You will find a richness of relationships and deeper expression of art....because it is the REAL YOU.
What do you REALLY want to say? What do you truly want to express? Who is your authentic self?
Now, think of how you can put those feelings into your art and words and actions. I'd love to know how you can apply today's assignment!