Oh, for a house with storage space! It seems every place we've lived has had a shortage of closets and cupboards. If I ever get a chance to design my dream house, it will have a whole storage room for off-season items, Christmas decor and family memorabilia. At present, I find myself squirrelling things into nooks and crannies and forever wondering, "now where did I put that?"
Have you ever noticed that Tidy People are really INTO storage? Even in situations like mine (no closets) they creatively find ways to put things away. Maybe this goes back to the fact that they get rid of superfluous stuff they don't need or use to make room for the things they do. They aren't constantly digging through broken toys and outgrown clothes to find an extra blanket or winter boots.
I so admire that.
Bathroom Storage! via the InspiredRoom.net
Kitchen Storage! via Country Living
Storage doesn't have to be fancy to be functional, but looking at these photos is inspiring. Pretty baskets, or matching containers, help me want to keep things in their proper places. I absolutely LOVE Laura over at OrgJunkie for her daily inspiration and storage ideas. I subscribe to her blog, do you?
Today's Small Thing is to tidy up a storage area.
- Find a shelf, drawer or closet that you use regularly. It needs occasional weeding and straightening to stay functional.
- Get rid of the unused items to make space for the things you need.
- Put "like things" together.
- Use ziplocks, rubber bands, envelopes, baskets and clean sour cream containers you can't bear to throw away because "they'll be good for something someday" to group things.
- Label. Get out your sharpie or your fancy-schmancy label maker and make your life easier by labeling things.
- Open your cabinet door or drawer about 50 times to admire your handiwork.
- Take photo for Instagram or Facebook.
I'd LOVE to see your storage photos! You can post them to our Facebook Page or tag me in an Instagram photo (rachelridge). You can also tweet a picture and tag me on Twitter!