Whew, it's been a busy - but good - week. I'm making some real steps toward my goal of getting my book published, and it feels good/scary.
Good, in that I'm off dead center and actually making progress.
Scary, in that putting my work out there means the possibility of real failure. Dear God, no.
But I'm putting failure out of my mind and I'm just going to "do the next thing."
So this week, I created a simple website for myself, at RachelAnneRidge.com. I made a page for my writing and have put my Work In Progress out there for the world to see. Yes, people, I'm writing a story about a stray donkey. Call me crazy.
This weekend, I'll be at the Declare blogging conference, and I have an appointment with a literary agent. I'm bringing my book proposal and sample chapters and taking the Big Plunge. If I walk away with constructive criticism for how to make the book better, I'll feel like it was a success for my first time out. Of course, I'd love for a contract to be offered, but I'm trying to be realistic and keep my fantasies in check. I will, however, have a pen handy in case she wants to sign me up right away. ;)
So I got new business cards, thanks to Joyce for a coupon for Minted (who did a great job in a super short timeframe):
Good golly, right there on my cards I've listed "stray donkey owner" as one of my official job titles. I'm really running the risk of being considered crazy, now! (And yes, I've taken my meds, thanks for asking.)
In the midst of all this, I took on the fun task of doing the decorating for the Declare event, and made centerpieces and gathered decor to make it look special. I was at the hotel until late last night, putting the finishing touches on everything!
THAT, my friends, is what I've been doing this week! Let's link up for coffee, and you can share what's going on in YOUR life! Be sure and stop in and visit the other blogs that link up.