Kingdom Woman, a new book by my dear friend, Chrystal Evans Hurst and her father, Dr. Tony Evans, came out this week.
I've been tweeting and Facebooking about it, because I love the message in it. Chrystal is as real as they come, and her heart for the woman who feels like anything BUT a victorious virtuous woman just shines through. She and I have sat on my couch and talked for hours about the journeys we're on as women (and moms) and I always come away refreshed and inspired to trust that God sees us where we are at. I love when leaders don't try to act like they are perfect and have it all together, but instead share from a place of vulnerability and truth. That's what Chrystal has done here along with her dad, and I'm excited to tell you about it. You'll fall in love with her, just like I have.
I hope you'll go get a copy today! When you order by July 20, you'll receive some great freebies.
Thinking about what it means to be a "Kingdom Woman" brings me to Today's Small Thing.
"When a kingdom woman's alarm sounds each morning, the Devil tries to hit her snooze button. He'll do whatever he can to try to stop her from taking on a new day with the mind of God. But a kingdom woman won't stop doing all she can for God's kingdom until she makes the Devil regret ever messing with her."
That's the first paragraph from the book. Good, huh?
Today's Small Thing is to do something positive for God's kingdom.
Now before you protest that it might be too hard or inconvenient to travel to the missionfield today, let's think about it. When you stop and consider it, almost everything we do in a day is for His kingdom whether we realize it or not. When we serve others, give of our time, share our talents, lend a listening ear, love our families, spend time in quiet meditation or simply drive a carpool....all of it can be used for His glory.
It's really a matter of the heart and mind. It's worship, my friends.
Worship flows through you as an outward expression of the inward work of grace. In other words, when your heart is in a place of gratitude and is focused on eternal things, everything else falls into proper alignment. You can see your "mundane" tasks as a way to give back to Him, because there is joy in serving when you know you are under His leadership and care.
Today, take some time to be intentional about God's kingdom. Look at where He has placed you: in your workplace, your home, your neighborhood, your grocery store, your family. And then ask how you can be a vessel for His glory in your sphere of influence. The kingdom of God is found in everyday people and everyday events - don't miss what God can do because you're only looking for "big" things to happen. Take on a kingdom mindset and your world will change.
Let us know: what will you do for God's kingdom today? Let's encourage each other to have an eternal focus, even in the littlest of things!
Now, let's have some Friday Coffee! Link up below for a fun round of visiting and getting to know other bloggers. After you link up, take the time to stop in at the blog directly above yours and say hello!