Oh, we had a fantastic anniversary on Tuesday! Besides the super-fancy dinner we enjoyed together, the highlight of the day was stopping in at the chapel we were married in - at the very moment of our ceremony. Talk about a strange, tickly feeling in our stomachs to sit right there and go back in time. My sweet husband took my hand and prayed, giving thanks for the wonderful years we've had, and then dedicating the next 30 to Him. It was unforgettable.
I didn't think about dishes or laundry or work for about 36 hours, and I loved it. Of course, I walked into the house to find that it was exactly as I'd left it: relatively neat, but in need of attention. Shoes by the door, mail on the counter, bacon splatters on the stove top...the usual.
So, we'll get back to the Small Things with one of those things that I really need to do, and I've been putting it off until I could get points for it - ha!
A Hot Mess.
The term "hot mess" usually brings someone like Lindsay Lohan or Charlie Sheen to mind, poor people. While they work out their problems in the public eye, I've got my own hot mess to think about: my stove top.
Since I tend to be a "stove top" chef, I am constantly wiping up greasy splatters in the kitchen. I start a number of my edible delights with sauteed onions, garlic and red peppers - the basis for making anything taste good, even if it's a hastily prepared meal. The downside is that the buttery goodness ain't so good when it's sprayed all over the top of the stove and adjacent counter. Particularly the next day. Blech.
Today's Small Thing is to do a de-greasing cleaning of your stove top area.
Pay attention to the backsplash, under the knobs and of course, those crusty drip pans. I use warm water to soften the gook, followed by something like Bam to wipe up the greasy spills. I like lots of paper towels for this job.
When my stove top is sparkling, I feel inspired to eat out. That might be a sweet reward for having a gourmet-level of clean for one day.
Take a picture.
POINTS: 40 for cleaning up your hot mess