I wanted to have a bowl of cereal and piece of toast before going to bed the other night. I shuffled to the pantry, and was disheartened to find 3 nearly-empty cereal boxes, and 2 bread sacks with a few dry slices them.
Who maintains this place, anyway?
You'd think they could do a better job.
Anyway, it got me to looking at the other odd things in my pantry, and led me to a quick purge.
I like to call it a "pounce."
The empty granola bar boxes.
The messy honey jar.
The coffee grounds.
The stale cookies.
I turned the cans and quickly rearranged them so I could see the labels.
I did not get any further than that. The baking stuff and spices are still in disarray, and the dry staples are not in a state that I'm proud of.
But, hey. This is just a POUNCE, right? Not a big hairy PURGE. Not a major pull-everything-out-and-clean-from-top-to-bottom pantry organization.
I'm quite OK with that.
Today's Small Thing is to do a Pantry Pounce.
Quickly pick one area (like bread and cereal) to straighten up. It will literally only take 5 minutes to make things look pretty good! Discard empty containers, consolidate what you can, and arrange things so you can see them. Then close the doors and move on!
It goes on to say:
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
Are you waiting for the salvation of the Lord to arrive in your circumstance? I'm waiting right there with you. I know that He is faithful, and that we can put our hope in him. His steadfast love never fails, and His mercy and grace are wrapped around us like a warm blanket - giving us comfort and peace in every situation. Let His love surround you and fill you as you wait quietly for Him....He is with you.
Let me know how I can pray for you.
Love and prayers today,
PS the print above can be found here.