Yea, I will lift up mine eyes unto the heights; from whence cometh this dust?
The dust cometh from the Other Guy, who also made germs and despair.
Hezekiah 4:12
One advantage of being "vertically challenged" (ok, short) is that I can't see a lot of the dust and grime that settles in my house... because it is above my eye level. It also helps to not actually look for it. Sometimes you should just leave well enough alone.
My husband has asked me on several occasions if I ever clean the top of the refrigerator and I just stare back at him blankly. Why would I do THAT?? Duh, I can't SEE it!
Sometimes he misses the obvious. See what I have to put up with?
But it's not just the top of the fridge.
Ceiling fan blades.
Tops of door frames. Psh.
Ceiling lights.
Valances and curtains. Why.
Picture frames.
Tall bookshelves. Don't care.
Upper corners where cobwebs like to hang out.
It pains me to have to lift my eyes up to the dirt that is above my head. And it hurts to move my arms that much. I've got my hands full with the dirt I CAN see down below, thank you very much.
But, on the rare occasion that I've cleaned off the top of my fridge or dusted the fan blades, I've notice a distinct spring in my step and a lightness in my soul.
By golly! I'm cleaning things that don't matter and I like it!!
Today's Small Thing is to clean ONE thing that is above eye level.
Oh, once you get down from the chair or step ladder, you'll never see it again, but you'll know in your heart how clean it is! And that knowledge is power, honey. You're gonna feel invincible!
POINTS: 40 for lifting your eyes to see the grime...and cleaning ONE thing on high
BONUS POINTS: 20 for cleaning an additional upper area
Is there a spot up high that's been tugging at your conscience? Telling us about it will make you feel better.