One of the most important aspects of having a place of sanctuary for yourself, family and friends is creating a home where people feel loved and appreciated. You communicate this in thousands of ways every day - often without even realizing it! You're giving love through serving, through your actions and through your words. You love through the laundry, the chauffering, the sack lunches, the boo-boo kissing and the toilet scrubbing. The backrubs, the listening ear, bedtime stories, meals, discipline....why, the list is endless. Let's face it: you're a regular FOUNTAIN of love! And what a gift that is to those around you.
Today's Small Thing is to express your love in a written note.
Even better than simply saying the words, letters on a page or in an email or text can be read over and over and savored indefinitely. It doesn't have to fancy or lengthy, just a few words to let someone know you are thinking of them and that you love them. It can be a spouse, a child, a parent, a friend - anyone in your life that could use a boost today!
POINTS: 50 for sharing your love. Let's start the month off right by spreading warmth, acceptance and love all around us! Give "sanctuary" to someone you love today.
Who will receive your note today? How will you send it? Text, email, handwritten notecard?