Last night, I forced myself to go to my Zumba class. It's part of my effort to instill some discipline into my life, since I've really let things like exercise go in recent years and I need to shape up. To be honest, I really enjoy the first 20 minutes of class... and then simply endure the last 40. I actually kind of hate it. Ugh.
I needed a shower when I got home. Thankfully, we have a dimmer switch on the bathroom light, so I wouldn't have to see just how far I've let things go in the bathtub. I was eager to lather up and do a bang up job shaving my legs.
I set the razor down next to one of the other ones in there and realized that my daily fight against clutter has failed when it comes to the tub. Do we really need 3 shampoo bottles, 2 Old Spice Body Washes (yes), petrified washcloths and hairbands in there? The days of plastic tub toys are over for me, but I remember when they multiplied like rabbits in the tub, not so long ago.
Scooping up the tub clutter is the easy part. It's the scrubbing of the tub and tiles that seems to take forever. Just to prove how long and difficult a job it is, I timed myself.
4 minutes, 37 seconds.
Rats! It took at least that amount of time just to locate the Ajax and sponge. That's almost 10 minutes that I could have spent on something really gratifying, like checking my roots or plucking my eyebrows. Or shaving my legs.
Today's Small Thing is to take 5 minutes and scrub your tub or shower.
If you keep your bathroom cleaners in a handy spot, it will just take a second to locate what you need and then... go to town!
When the tub is sparkling, I feel like lighting a candle and soaking in bubbles. Skip the shower, baby...I'm going for a long hot bath!
POINTS: 40 for cleaning one bathtub or shower
BONUS: 20 for assessing your handy cleaners: do you need to replace or move something to the bathroom so it's easier to clean up next time?
BONUS BONUS: 20 for doing at least one additional tub/shower
When was the last time you gave your tub a good scrub and removed the clutter? This is a task that truly results in "Sanctuary."