First off, let me congratulate you all on such fine, grammatically inspiring activity yesterday! I was working on a job site (Andrew Wommack Ministries, CO - again) and did not have access to my computer, but could read your comments on my phone. I laughed with you ALL DAY LONG! Clearly, you are the most clever group of women anywhere around. Wow, this is fun! You outdid yourselves with your creative tasks and funny reporting. I had a blast reading them.
And since you worked so hard yesterday, I think you should take a break and jes' set yourself down on your couch for awhile.
Go ahead. Nestle your little fanny into that sofa of yours and put your feet up. Aaaaah. Niiice.
Now that you're comfy, I want you to look around. Is there a Small Thing you can do....right from the couch?
Hmmmm. Those remotes look sticky, maybe you can wipe them down. EASY! But exhausting.
The pillows are sagging. How about you just plump them up as you rest your tired bones?
The coffee table has legos on it. And coffee rings. If you reach forward, just a bit, you can get almost all of it clean. Doesn't that look lovely?
Let's see. The side table magazines and books are a jumble. A small turn of the waist and you can straighten them without even getting up. Oh good.
The afghan is easily folded, even from a prone position....should you decide to put your feet up.
Today's Small Thing is to do as many small tasks as you can while sitting on your couch on your sweet little bum. OK, if you MUST get up, I will allow you to take a few small steps around your sofa....but just a few! I really don't want you to work too hard today.
POINTS: 20 for each task you can do from (or near) your couch - limit 5! (100 points total). Celebrate being a couch potato!
How many things can you clean/organize/fluff/do from your couch? We'd love to know!