Now that January is fully underway and most of us have already given up on our New Year's Resolutions, it's time to talk about setting up a housekeeping system that actually works. If you are a regular reader, you know that I review this a few times each year....because if you're like me, you tend to forget just how great it can be when you apply it. Also, life has a way of changing from season to season, and household schedules are often the first thing to go when they stop working. The solution is not to give up, but to review and modify regularly. Think of a household system as a tool - a simple one- that will work FOR you, not make you a slave to it.
Honey, we'll spend the rest of this week on this - and your points will be super easy to earn!
Today's Small Thing is to read or review Step 1 to setting up your own personal system.
Shhhh. Shhhh. Don't panic. This will be painless, I promise!
POINTS: 50 for reading or reviewing, and evaluating
What things fell into the "This Ain't Gonna Happen" category from Step 1? What tasks are important to you? To your spouse?