Girls, ya'll are doing GREAT! You're hanging in there and working toward creating some peace, beauty and order in your homes! I'm so proud of you.
I was away from the computer all day and I wasn't able to respond to your fantastic comments yesterday, but I was really struck by how many of us noticed "new" things we had not seen before. I loved seeing those comments about the importance of leaving open spaces in your schedule - it is because of those spaces that impromptu tea parties can be had, a batch of cookies can be made, a walk can be taken, a nap can be enjoyed. Beautiful things happen when there is margin!
Well, today is the day we get to plug in those tasks from Step 1, using Step 2 to figure out the best days and times to get them done. If things don't fit into a single week, why not consider a two-week schedule....or even one that stretches over a month? Working moms in particular need to cut ourselves some slack and realize that it really IS OK to do less than Mary Poppins did in the movies.
Today's Small Thing is to do Step 3: read the post on the "Real World Schedule" below...
POINTS: 50 for reading all about setting up your Real World Schedule.
OK Filling out the blank forms might seem daunting, so how about I give you bonus points for doing it?
BONUS POINTS: 50 - just for filling in the blanks in the forms provided!
What did you discover about creating a housekeeping schedule? Was it harder (or easier) than you thought? What do you think about a two-week or one-month schedule? I'd love your feedback...this is all going into an e-book and your input is important to me!