"Smell goods" is a term coined by my girls when they were little, and it's just stuck around. It means anything that smells good, like perfume or candles or air fresheners.
So very adorable. They still smell like happiness to me.
Examples of Smell Goods and their translations:
"I really like your smell good." (I really like your perfume.)
"Do we have any smell goods we could spray in here? That dog really stinks." (The dog farted and we need air freshener, fast.)
"The smell goods in the bathroom are very nice." (I like the scent of the candles.)
"Whoa, this car needs some smells goods." (Did something die in the glovebox?)
"We're out of smell goods for the laundry." (We've run out of dryer sheets.)
"That hockey equipment needs to be sprayed down with smell goods." (OH MY LORD that equipment is toxic and needs Febreeze!)
Today's Small Thing is to use some Smell Goods of your own. Make your home (or yourself) smell pretty!
Good scents trigger happy memories and pleasant emotions. They can create a feeling of calm and even promote healing. I don't know a whole lot about aromatherapy, but I do believe there is something to the power of scent to connect with certain parts of our brain. Today's Small Thing is an easy and fun way to create "sanctuary" by getting out those Smell Goods and improving the atmosphere of your home. Hey, why not break out those fancy Christmas candles??
What is your favorite Smell Good, and how will you use it today?
Song of the Day: Scent of a Woman, Pittsburgh Symphony