I'm so excited to announce that my daughter, Lauren, is expecting a baby girl in May!

Lauren Penn - There's a sweet little girl inside that baby bump! Maybe she'll have red hair like her mama!
Picture me jumping up and down, crying and laughing and talking and listening...all at the same time! Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my!!!
Just. LOOK. At. Lauren. She is so beautiful - a radiant mom-to-be - and I'm so very happy for her and Robert. I could hardly wait to share the news - I've been busting at the seams for weeks, and now that we know the baby's gender, I can finally tell everyone.
My daughter is having a daughter of her own. And her own journey into motherhood is beginning.
Oh, I remember coming home from the hospital with MY first baby, Lauren, who was wearing a pink dress her new daddy had bought for her that morning. I laid her on the bed next to me and drank in every inch of her. Legs tucked under and fists balled up, the merest glint of red hair on her head.
She was perfect.
"I've been waiting my whole life to meet you," I whispered. "I'm your mama."
I knew Destiny in that moment. And fear and awe and wonder and gratitude for this little life, so much like a blank canvas waiting to be painted. Of course, I pictured her somehow growing into a beautiful masterpiece, but what I did not imagine was how SHE would paint MY life with such beauty. I could not imagine the all the color, adventure and splashes of joy she would bring. I'm still filled with awe and wonder and gratitude when I look at her.
And Lauren IS a masterpiece. She is an incredible young woman who loves Jesus and radiates kindness. She's creative and interesting, and as a first-born, she's a natural leader and nurturer. We call her a "mother hen," clucking over details, noticing what needs to be done, taking care of business. What a great mom she will be.
I've loved these weeks of excitement over Lauren's pregnancy, discussing all the details, body changes, plans and baby names. I know how quickly May will come, and with it her new pink bundle, enveloped in our awe and wonder and gratitude.
And I will whisper, "I've been waiting my whole life to meet you. I'm your Nana."
I can hardly believe the full circle I've come as a mom....and the blessing of seeing my daughter grow into this amazing woman is beyond words. I wish I could have had a peek into the future, especially when I hit some of those rough patches in parenting, so I could see just how God's faithfulness would unfold. Lauren and I are entering a new season in our relationship, and it is a beautiful thing to experience such friendship with each other. I can't wait to see the masterpieces God is creating in us....and now in this new little baby!
Today's Small Thing is to celebrate Sugar and Spice and everything nice.
Do something that's distinctly feminine! Have fun being a girl - and celebrating "girlyness" - however you want to do it! Wear something sparkly, put on a pretty blouse, curl your hair, watch a chick flick....anything you'd like that just speaks "sugar and spice" to your soul. It's good being a girl - and I'm going to celebrate by seeing both of my own girls tonight at a Christmas event.
How will you celebrate your femininity??
Song of the Day: Daddy's Little Girl, Michael Buble
PS Here's a photo of Lauren and her sweet husband, Robert - new parents-to-be! Gosh, I love them.