Today I'm delivering some children's furniture that I painted with a superhero theme.
I'm still waiting on a fourth chair, which will have a Wonder Woman motif. The "S" on the table is for the little kids' last name...they wanted a shield with their initial.
Toys and books will go in here. The shelves are painted black.
It was more of a challenge than I thought it would be to come up with embellishments. I spent a lot of time just staring at the furniture, wondering what to do. In the end, I kept it fairly simple, and I think it's "just enough."
Inspired by the motifs of these amazing characters, let's have some fun! Let's be superheroes today.
Today's Small Thing is to fight grime wherever you find it!
Yes! Bring justice to the grimy underbelly of household germs by powerfully eradicating them with the mighty sponge of righteousness. Beat off clutter with a swift scoop of your sinewy arms, and kick laundry into submission. Remember that your Mom Superpowers give you the ability to leap tall buildings of legos, and fly through the air to separate rowdy hoodlums (otherwise known as your kids). You can deflect bullets of criticism while stomping out chaos and anarchy among the citizens of your home. This is a job for a Superhero.....and you're just the one to tackle it!
Do something amazing today! And then let us know what super-job you're taking on.
Song of the Day: Wonder Woman theme