No, not these rings:
We are counting the OTHER kinds of rings....the ones that occur quite by accident, or possibly by the ever-popular "Laissez-Faire" ("leave it alone") style of relaxed housekeeping, which the French introduced in the 1800's. The term was later stolen by political economists to describe free trade without government interference. Oh, the history books don't tell you that part, do they?? Huh, huh?
But, be that what it may, the Laissez-Faire housekeeper may eventually find that she has an abundance of rings that must be dealt with.
The bathtub rings.
The toilet rings.
The coffee cup rings.
The nightstand rings.
The counter top rings.
The "we-moved-the-furniture-but-the-carpet-still-has-rings" rings.
The under-eye rings. Mon Dieu, the under-eye rings!
Today's Small Thing is to find as many rings as you can, and bid au-revoir to them.
You may choose to speak with a French accent today, which will make this task infinitely more delightful....oui?
There is no limite on the rings you can tackle. That's beaucoup rings!
Where will you find your rings today?? Bonne chance!
Song of the day: La Mer, Charles Trenet