My donkey Flash has been living the high life.
Ever since the wedding in November, he has wanted to get into the enclosure where all the beautiful grass is that had been planted for the event. However, my husband had cordoned off the area to prevent him from, well, pooping all over it and generally messing it up.
Well, ol' Flash didn't take too kindly to the ropes that Tom had strung across the barn opening that leads to that pasture, so he just decided to take matters into his own hands... er, hooves - and broke in. Many times.
But here's the mysterious part. The ropes never moved.
We'd look up and see him standing on the other side of the rope fence as if he'd just beamed himself over. Ropes perfectly intact.
We don't know how he did it. Over? Under? Through? We checked all the fences to see if there was another way in.....nope, nothing.
Sometimes we'd wake up in the morning to see him, eating away, inside that pasture as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Other times, we'd be in the barn and simply turn away for a second, and then there he'd be. Like magic. Right under our noses.
Finally, Tom gave up trying to keep him out of that heavenly green acre and just took the ropes down so he could have at it.
Flash has been happily munching in there ever since, enjoying himself immensely....while we still scratch our heads in wonder over his ability to materialize at will. And although he HAS pooped in the barn, he has left his new grazing area pure and pristine, not a turd to be found.
I guess it's just his way of saying, "Thanks."
Today's Small Thing is to express "Thanks" in YOUR own way to someone.
The EASY way is to simply say it with words. The more complicated way - and sometimes the more meaningful way - is to say it by "doing." By doing an action or activity that expresses thoughtful gratitude. Now obviously, don't use Flash's method of thoughtful gratitude - no manure need be involved here - but perhaps there is another way you can show kindness to another person.
A gesture of thanks can be accompanied by an explanation of why you're doing it without cheapening the action, as long as it's done gracefully. Is there someone who might enjoy a nice turn, after all they've done for you? We'd love to know your "expression of thanks" activity and who you are doing it for today!
While you're thinking of something nice to do for someone, how about joining us for a virutal cup of coffee? Company Girl Coffee is our weekly feature that allows everyone to get to know each other by simply linking up. (If you're receiving this post via email, you'll need to pop over to the blog to be able to see the links.) My weekend got crazy last time, and I did not have a chance to get around to visit, despite my best efforts....but I plan to spend some time visiting ya'll this time! We have some wonderful, interesting and fun Company Girls - so even if you don't link up, why not stop in and see them?