Today at 1pm CST I'll be talking with Lucy Ann Moll on "Refills," her blog talk radio program on CWA. I hope you can join us! We'll be talking about finding joy when the holidays are not so merry. Simply follow this link: for a 1/2 hour of heartfelt discussion.
You know, we always say it's the "Happy Holidays," but the reality is that it can be a very painful time of year. If you've ever experienced the loss of a loved one, a divorce, live far from family, or have strained family relationships, you know just what I'm talking about. All the twinkly lights and warm Christmas cheer around you only makes the empty spots that much more pronounced.
I remember so vividly the Christmas just after I'd lost a baby. What should have been a happy time was filled with grief that would hit me in unexpected moments...and I just dreaded the holidays. My sister and sister-in-law were both expecting babies within days of when our baby was to have been born, and the thought of getting together with everyone just seemed too awkward and painful. I couldn't bear the thought of seeing those big, pregnant bellies and having everyone avoid talking about babies around me. I was afraid my tears would spill over and cause a scene, so we opted out of our regular family events that year and spent a quiet holiday at home. It was a difficult time, to say the least.
Are you struggling to find your joy this year? Take a few minutes of your day to join Lucy Ann and me at 1 pm CST today.
Today's Small Thing is refill your cup of joy in some little way.
Do something for yourself (or for someone else) that will bring a smile to your face. Maybe a few minutes with a cup of tea and a book or magazine can recharge your batteries. Or taking a few moments to work on a personal hobby, like sewing or scrapbooking may brighten your day. Take your focus off "holiday" activity and pause to fill your own emotional tank by taking a walk, making a phone call, polishing your nails or dreaming about redecorating. I will be pondering paint colors for my office - something I love to do but haven't taken the time to do it.
Ps. 30: 5 Weeping may remain for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
You are in my prayers today - that God would give you joy and grace throughout this holiday season.
Song of the Day: Joy to the World, Sufjan Stevens