A couple of years ago, I found myself starting the month of December working on a children's church design that had a "train" theme. I looked at hundreds of images of trains in order to come up with ideas for the space. And as I juggled the month's shopping, baking, decorating and work, I had a "train" theme revelation.
It was about the thing that makes trains so efficient: yep, the tracks.
Riding the rails keeps those trains moving like clockwork. Engines can pull their loads into the train stations at the exact minute they were scheduled because those tracks guarantee that their trip will be exactly as it should be.
December is one month out of the year when it seems like everything "falls off track" for me. Actually, it starts with Thanksgiving...when I overindulge in the food and goodies that are arrayed so beautifully before me. But I also get off track in my housekeeping, my Bible reading, and my (ahem) exercise.
Today's Small Thing is to get back on track now....instead of waiting until New Year's Eve to make an overdue resolution.
Do you need to get back on your diet? Today is the best day ever to do it. Is your house a disaster? Today's your day take out your housekeeping schedule and work on today's tasks. Did you forget about exercising? Try taking a walk. You may choose whatever you need to in order to get "back on track!"
Ride the rails in style today! Hop on the tracks in one area of your busy life...and watch things start running like clockwork once again.
In what area have you fallen off the tracks? What will you do today to get back on them?
Song of the Day: Take the "A" Train, Duke Ellington with Count Basie