I've been working in the gorgeous home of one of my favorite clients this week. This is the third home I've painted for her over the past 15 years, each one filled with treasures and incredible style. In this master bathroom, my client wanted huge trumpet flowers and vines to make a "wow" statement, and a few oversized dragonflies on the ceiling for a little bit of whimsy.
The trumpet vines and flowers were easy for me to freehand. Flowers and foliage can be wild and free-flowing and look wonderful without overthinking the layout. Here is part of it in progress.
Before adding final layers of highlights and shadows:
The dragonflies, however, were another story. For those, I needed to make a pattern so I could get just the right size and placement. By drawing the pattern on paper and cutting it out, I could tape it up onto the wall to see how it would work.
After I worked out the details on my pattern, I traced it onto the wall and filled it in with paint.
I was able to take the same pattern and flip it over to use in another area. Hooray for patterns!
Patterns are important, not just in art.......but in life. We make and follow patterns everyday: patterns of behavior that were modeled to us as children, patterns of learning that shaped us, patterns of spending, and patterns of eating, just to name a few. Some of those patterns are healthy, but of course, some of them are not.
Do you have a pattern of worry when life brings you challenges? This is one many of us have "cut out and placed on the wall" so we can repeat it over and over again, even though scripture tells us that we can trust in God's faithful care. Maybe your pattern is to turn to food, or shopping, or the internet when life feels out of control. Perhaps you've done it so many times you don't even realize that you're following a pattern that isn't anywhere NEAR the one that God has offered to you through Jesus Christ.
Today's Small Thing is to consider the patterns in your life....both the good and the not-so-good ones.
December is a perfect month to consider some of life's deepest questions, especially when so much activity revolves around the birth of a little baby in a lowly stable. Does your life reflect a simplicity of faith that is patterned for you in the pages of scripture? Are your attitudes shaped by the Word of God, or by the words that were spoken to you in your past? Are you creating new thought patterns based on faith and grace, or are you relying on the old patterns of your mind and wondering why things never change?
Ask God for wisdom today. Here at Home Sanctuary, we spend a lot of time working on creating new patterns for tackling clutter and disorganization, but on a deeper level we are setting blueprints in motion that are truly life-changing. We are taking daily steps that do so much more than just cleaning potties and sinks....we are taking on new patterns of thought that say "yes" to living a better life. "Yes" to stepping outside our comfort zones. "Yes" to being all God wants us to be. I believe that with all my heart.
Say "goodbye" to unhealthy, unworthy patterns in your life today. And say "hello" to the ones that create life, faith, abundance and blessing.
What patterns are you letting go of? If you'd like to share, we can pray for one another today so that we can be equipped to pattern our lives on God's Word. He has so much to offer us, if only we'll let go of our old patterns and embrace His!
Song of the Day: Come Home Running, Chris Tomlin