I spent most of yesterday in my pajamas, watching movies and eating leftover BBQ. Whew, it was nice.....and I did not feel guilty one bit! I had pecked away at cleaning up the wedding stuff on Sunday and Monday and even though I moved as slow as molasses, I got a lot done (with the help of my mom.) By the time Tuesday rolled around, I felt a little like I'd been hit by a truck. I guess I finally came down off the adrenalin "high" from the wedding, and a movie marathon/BBQ fest seemed perfectly in order! It sure felt good.
Well, even though I was moving slowly, I was impressed by how quickly the rental company came and picked up the chairs, tables and tent. And my florist/decorator friend swooped in and gathered her things on Monday. I watched as she carefully put vases and candles into neat boxes, gently hung lanterns on hooks and wrapped breakable items in bubble wrap. Linens went into piles to be washed and ironed, and large blue bins stored burlap and draping fabric. She may not need all the things we used again for quite some time, but everything will be organized and ready to go for when she does have need of them. This is how she can handle all the events she does nearly every weekend of the year.
Cleaning up is the least fun part of any project. I often do a poor job of organizing my tools and supplies when I finish something.........and yet when I DO, it makes the NEXT project so much more enjoyable, because I don't have to hunt for everything in order to get started. Let's ease back into our daily Small Things with something we can all do.
Today's Small Thing is to clean up a project site.
Now, you may not have a wedding or big birthday project to dig out from, but really, if you think of it, life is made up of lots of projects. Making breakfast for your family is a project. Putting together sack lunches is a project. Finding clean clothes, paying bills, unloading a dishwasher.......all the day-to-day tasks we do are small projects that can be viewed individually. And each project has its own mess, which can become monstrous if we don't tidy it up before the next time we need to do it.
Where are YOUR project sites? The bed that laundry is folded on, the counter that holds the dirty dishes, the desk with a pile of mail. Your craft area, the bathroom sink, the tub where you shave your legs (now THERE'S a project for ya!). Wherever there is work to be done, there are tools and supplies that can be organized and put away for next time. Why leave everything out for weeks on end because you don't want to open a drawer or put something in a closet "because you'll need it again?"
Project Cleanup may not be fun, but you'll definitely enjoy the results. You might even get so addicted to being organized that it will become a habit you can brag about to your messy friends.
Hey, it could happen. Pick one project site and clean it up today.
Song of the Day: I Ain't Ready to Quit, Jason Aldean