This week, the US will celebrate Thanksgiving - possibly the most overlooked and underappreciated holiday on our calendar. At the craft store yesterday, I noticed a buying frenzy of Christmas things, while the sad Thanksgiving items sat on an 80% off table like old news. In our rush to get going on the Christmas stuff, we sort of forget the one holiday that has never been about getting NEW gifts, but rather celebrating the ones we already have: family, food to eat, freedom, and faith. Some might add "football" to the list, (and I do love that tradition too). Each of us is blessed in so many ways - and though some years we might have to look a little harder for the blessings - they are there. It feels good to pause to say "thanks," doesn't it?
This week, Monday through Wednesday, I'll do Thanksgiving-themed Small Things. You might find that you are already doing them, since you are in the spirit of the holiday! We'll take Thursday and Friday off so we can simply focus on our families and friends.
On with our Small Thing, which is all about a staple of the American Thanksgiving dinner: corn. Introduced to pilgrims by the Native Americans, corn makes a lovely centerpiece when dried in the stalk, and a delicious side dish served with butter and salt. YUM!
Today's Small Thing is to celebrate the season by doing something corny.
It may be an eye-rolling, sigh-inducing action today, but chances are it will still put a smile on your face....and maybe someone else's too. Here are my ideas.....
Try a pick up line on your hubby:
- Is there an airport nearby or is that my heart taking off?
- I must be in heaven 'cuz I'm standing next to you.
- There must be something wrong with my eyes because I can't take them off of you.
- I'm a raindrop and I'm fallin' for you.
Oh, those are soooo bad. But they just might work! I'll bet you can get him to sleep with you by using one of them.
Tell your child a corny, sweet what it felt like the first time you saw her as a baby.
Watch a corny movie.
- Singin' in the Rain
- You've Got Mail
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Say Anything
- It's a Wonderful Life
- {Your Cheesy Movie Here}
Take a walk in rain....or snow.
Light candles and listen to music.
Have a corny pun contest. (My dad is tops at this one!)
Sing along to your favorite Disney songs.
Dance with someone in the living room.
How corny can you be today? So what if it's foolish or silly, or makes someone lift their eyes toward heaven in mock torture? In their hearts you know they love you for it. Besides, it's the LEAST you can do to help give Thanksgiving its due and make it feel important once again.
To CORN! May it live long and prosper...along with Thanksgiving!
Song of the Day: Sweet, Sweet Corn, Pap Wilson