With our wonderful wedding, and subsequently clean house, now two weeks behind us, things around here are going to pot. It did not help to have a holiday which required lots of cooking and hosting guests thrown in there to mess things up. And now that the Christmas decorations are half up and half still in their tubs.....well. I'm just a bit under the pile again.
As I drove home from Hobby Lobby late last night, I recited the list of things I should do to get things back into shape. But instead of springing into cleaning action the moment I got home, I made banana bread....the kind with chocolate chips sprinkled in...in the hopes that it would all just get done on its own. Boy, that banana bread tasted good, and it momentarily made me forget my list.
Well, to my disappointment, no singing elves arrived overnight to dust and vacuum, so that leaves me to tackle it all by myself. But instead of getting overly discouraged, I'm determined to AT LEAST get one thing done before I leave for my mural project today.
Today's Small Thing goes straight to pot....er, POTTIES.
Yes, it's Potty Time. If you say it like you're from Boston, it almost sounds like Party Time! As in, "Let's get dis potty stotted!"
We've done this before - many times. We've cleaned, we've swished, we've sanitized. But could we not do this every. single. week. and it still not be enough? I say to you, nay. It would never be enough.
I really hate cleaning potties so I'm dragging you ladies in with me. Take five minutes to whip those toilets into shape and we'll all be done. Let's go to pot, girls.
Song of the Day: It's My Potty oops, Party, Brenda Lee
How does having clean potties make you feel about life? Can't remember?? Then make it a potty for the ages today!