Thank you.
Two of the most powerful words in the world. They are the words that unlock closed hearts, start cascades of goodwill and bring warmth to a cold world. A simple "thank you" acknowledges and affirms another's effort and can motivate action like nothing else can. I've found myself sprouting wings and working with superhuman strength when someone has said those two magic words to me! Wow, someone noticed my effort and appreciates me! Let me jump over this wall.
Today's Small Thing is to get a head start on Thanksgiving by saying "thank you."
Sometimes in the busyness of life we plow right past opportunities to express gratitude toward the people around us who could use some affirmation.
- Your husband, who is working hard to provide for your family.
- A co-worker who takes a project for you.
- Your child who remembers to put his plate in the dishwasher.
- A cashier who has ten people in line.
- A friend who listens to your complaints.
- The mechanic who tightened a belt on your car and didn't charge you.
- Your pastor, who ministers week after week.
- The UPS man, delivering your packages
- Your babysitter
"Thank you" might be just the words that someone is longing to hear today, and you can be the person who makes a difference in his or her life. Acknowledging that person's effort, no matter how small, will make her feel valued and loved....and who among us doesn't need that?
Share your gratitude today, deliver it with a hug if you can, and bask in the warmth that thankfulness brings to those around you.
Song of the Day: Thank You, The Katinas