A Tisket A Tasket, Ella Fitzgerald
I got home from my painting project last night to find that my nice husband was doing the laundry for us.
Hallelujah! Shouts of joy! Cartwheels and high-fives!
It was a beautiful sight to see stacks of clean towels, folded, albeit oddly, in the cabinet. And the piles of clean underwear ready to be put away made my heart sing.
Then I noticed that my man had utilized a laundry basket that had been sitting in our closet which had been full of items I'd removed from a closet and didn't know what to do with. It had tablecloths, placemats and fabric in it, as well as some fireworks. Yes, Independence Day sparklers, right in there with dining room decor.....don't ask why. That basket had been there for a few weeks, I hate to say....stuck in limbo by my indecision.
I looked at that pile, now on the floor, and realized the time had come to deal with it.
So I dealt with it. I shoved it all in the guest room and closed the door. Ha!
Today's Small Thing is to empty a basket.
A basket in this case may be any type of container. A box, a carton, a bin, a bowl, a trailer. Baskets and bins are lovely solutions for clutter, but usually they are not made to be PERMANENT solutions. Or they might start out nice and neat with perfectly designated items...but eventually become catch-alls for whatever you don't know what to do with....much like my laundry basket full of odds and ends.
I admit that my joy over seeing the laundry done was dampened by the realization that I'd have to put that pile of miscellany away. But deep inside, I know I'll feel as light as a feather as soon as it's done! I'll remove it from the guest room and tuck things away properly. I might even light a sparkler to celebrate.
Empty a basket or bin today. Decide where the items inside should go and give them permanent homes. Then, join hands with someone and raise your voices in harmony as you sing, "A Tisket, A Tasket, a green and yellow basket....."
Song of the Day: A Tisket A Tasket, Ella Fitzgerald