I LOVED all the comments and great tips yesterday! Many of those tips would make excellent Small Things - did you get a chance to read them yet? Thank you so much for the wonderful response to Laura's (OrgJunkie) book, Clutter Rehab. I saw a lot of tweets and facebook posts about it and I know that really helps....every mention counts!
The winner of Clutter Rehab is: LisaDigiDesigns! Lisa, send me your address and I'll get the book to you. Congrats, girl!
Today kind of feels like the "first" day of Small Things for July to me - and it's already the 6th! Yikes, this summer is going by fast. Here is a cute Small Thing Tracker if you'd like to print it off and follow along this month. Even if you don't care a lick about doing these reallyeasyandsimplelifechanging tasks with me, it is handy for keeping track of other things that are on your To Do list, plus it's cute. Download JulySmallThings
Last night, as I was slaving away in the kitchen - alone - I realized that I've really fallen off of the Structure Wagon. I was getting real mad about cleaning up all by my lonesome, when it occured to me that the problem is not that my people don't care. (Even though it felt like it.) See, everyone left me to do the dishes alone because I didn't make it clear ahead of time that I expected some help in there. They scattered as soon as that last bite was finished.
Yep, I need to get some structure going again. Now, I've always been much too much of a free spirit to set up elaborate systems for my family. And when things get TOO rigid, I start to rebel against my own rules. But somehow, having just enough structure (read: clear expectations) helps me be a nicer mom because I'm not angry all the time.
I can be a manager instead of a tyrant.
Today's Small Thing is to implement a SIMPLE rotating chore chart if you do not already have one. You can make your own, or try this idea, which has worked well for me.
Two circles (cut from manilla folders) with a brad in the center will suffice - hit the areas that need to rotate between kids so they can't complain about your mean unfairness ever again. :) Don't cover every chore you can possibly think of. Just take the ones that you are constantly struggling with....for me there are always these three: Pets, Kitchen, Mom's Choice. Mom's Choice gives me the option to assign a job and expect a cheerful attitude....because it's on the wheel. hehe
If you have kids at home, do you have a system for rotating chores? I'd love for you to share it! Remember, kids aren't slaves, but they need regular responsibilities as part of the team - Team Sanctuary.
Take the burden of chore-nagging off your shoulders and get those tasks on paper. Keep it simple and DOABLE!
Song of the Day: Clean Up Song, Kindermusik