Do you ever put off doing those really gross, yucky jobs that make your face involuntarily screw up in revulsion?
Yeah, me too.
My face is doing that thing right now, just thinking about some of those jobs. Ewww.
See, this - THIS - is what Company Girls are for. When we really need courage, moral support and a gentle shove toward that dreaded task - we are here for each other. Urging, yea even egging one another on to victory.
Today's Small Thing is to do a disgusting task. I won't assign a specific thing because you can probably find at LEAST one on your own. Let's think:
Clean the bottom of a trash can.
Unclog a toilet.
Remove hair from a drain.
Clean up pet accidents.
Clean up people accidents.
Change a poopy diaper.
Throw rotting vegetables out of fridge.
Throw moldy leftovers out of fridge.
Clean a toilet.
Pump your septic tank.
Dress a wound. (hey, moms should get points for this)
Address issues of mold, slime or rot anywhere in the world, wherever they may be found.
Remove a tick.
Barf clean-up, possibly your own after doing one of these tasks.
What makes YOU say "OH GROSS?" Please feel free to share your disgust with us today!
Do ONE "EWWW, that's gross!" task (you might need today's song selection, "Walk Away" by Good Charlotte, to totally rock out while facing it!)
Dare you to tweet your gross-out task! Who will tackle the grossest?