I have a confession to make.
I have FOUR active toothbrushes.
I have one in my master bathroom (my favorite brush because it feels the best), one in the guest bathroom (because I often get ready in there since the girls moved out), one in the downstairs bathroom (for that last-minute brushing before heading out the door), and one travel-sized brush in my purse for emergencies (like removing an errant poppy seed from a restaurant lunch.)
Is that excessive? I don't know. All I know is that I love the just-brushed feeling that a stick of gum just can't give you after you've eaten garlic and onions.
But as much as I love my toothbrushes, I hate to clean the toothbrush holders. Maybe because I'm a "neat" brusher and don't have foam running down the handle when I brush, while others in this household jam their wet, drooly handles into the receptacles without so much as a thought. All that crusty toothpaste that collects at the bottom doesn't belong to me so I don't want to be responsible for it.
Is it me, or is that crust just nasty??? Blech!
Today's Small Thing is to clean your toothbrush holders (or wherever you store toothbrushes.) You might need to let the years of saliva sediment soak in warm water for awhile before you can face scrubbing them. It will feel great to see those holders looking all shiny and pretty again!
POINTS: 30 for cleaning one holder
BONUS: 10 each for any other holder/drawer/countertop your toothbrushes may rest
Song of the Day: When You're Smiling, Dean Martin
More confessions: when was the last time you replaced your toothbrush?