What is it about the old disco songs, like today's song of the day (Shake Shake Shake) that makes you want to get out and boogie?
In platform shoes?
Photo Courtesy: http://www.vintage-heels.co.uk/
I was too young for the disco craze of the 70's, but that funky sound makes me smile. You don't have to get up and dance today, but you could just shimmy your shoulders a little bit, right where you are sitting. You know you want to.
Since it's the day after a minor holiday, we should keep things light and easy. So we have enough time for dancing.
Today's Small Thing is to shake out (or vacuum) the throw rugs in your house. (Just the ones you can lift...you don't have to do the one under the dining room table.)
You may only have one throw rug in your entire house. If that's the case, it's your lucky day. Give it a shake outside the door and collect your points. For the rest of us with a few more, we'll still have an easy job. It won't take but a few minutes! If you really want to get down to business, you can vacuum them, but that would really be going over the top!
POINTS: 40 for shaking your rugs' booties.
Song of the Day: Shake Your Booty, KC and the Sunshine Band