In between the Christmas hustle and bustle, I've been thinking a lot about Home Sanctuary and the Small Things. It was good to have some time away from blogging to muse about the coming year and consider the things that make me love coming here each day to meet up with you.
I can hardly believe that I've been posting daily Small Things for THREE WHOLE YEARS! Some of you have been with me from the very beginning, and a few of you go back even further, to August of 2006, when I first started blogging. Woo! What a great group of loyal friends! Ya'll make this so fun.
The days before a new year begins always bring a sense of anticipation to me. I like to set a few goals and get re-organized and agonize over which new planner to go with. Surely there MUST be one that will cure my forgetfulness and distractedness and whip me into shape? It's probably too much to ask, but I can dream.
But there is one thing I always come back to each year. The thing that never falls off my radar. The thing that brings me back here every day.
I want my home to be a sanctuary - a refuge - for my family.
I want my kids to feel loved and treasured. I want my man to feel adored. I want things to look nice and smell good and feel special.
I wish I could say that I always accomplish it. I wish my laundry was folded, dishes done, pies made and children kissed and clean. I wish I had limitless resources to dress my home in understated farmhouse chic. I wish I had shoes for every occasion, perfectly highlighted hair (like, you know, regularly), and fabulous accessories to wear.
And I wish there was no more war and that Starbucks coffee was 10 cents a cup, too. Yeah, that'd be great!
My reality is that I'm a tired mom, living on a shoestring. I'm haphazard in my organization and quite a few of my ideas are half baked, at best.
But I've got this unshakable belief that a home can be wonderful, even if you don't have it all together. I believe that God takes the little bit that you have, and He can make much of it.
I believe that Sanctuary is possible.
And I believe that Sanctuary happens one small thing at a time.
You see, I've seen the power of God in fresh pillowcases, and bedtime stories, and backyard cartwheels. I've seen what can happen when I give just a little extra effort into making my home feel nice. I've noticed a change in the atmosphere when I approach things with a "sanctuary" mindset instead of a begrudging one. I've even seen beauty in the chaos of family life. Those aren't just "small things." Those are BIG things. AMAZING things!
As we begin 2011, would you join me with a new sense of purpose for your home life? You don't have to make big promises to yourself. Simply take a step toward creating Sanctuary by meeting up with me here on my blog each day. We are taking this journey together, you and me. I'll be the first to tell you that I haven't "arrived." But God's given me a passion for encouraging other women along the way and I hope you'll join in, either for the first time or once again.
Today's Small Thing is to get ready for 2011 by making a commitment to creating Sanctuary at home for the people you love. I encourage you to subscribe to this blog, AND officially join the "Company Girls" as a first step toward it. You'll be amazed at the difference it makes. If you've already done that, or don't feel that joining anything is your cup o' tea, then simply commit to being part of what is happening here. And please know that most of our Company Girls are don't let that be a hindrance to you if you don't blog.
I believe that this is going to be a year of new beginnings and renewed hope. God sees right where you are and He knows just what you need. If you are looking for an outstretched hand, a wonderful group of friends and a little bit of lighthearted fun, then He has brought you here. You're in the right place.
Something good is about to happen. I just know it.
POINTS: 40 for counting down to the new year by committing to a "Sanctuary" mindset. Subscribing and Joining are optional but WHY NOT!! You can always change your mind later. We're pretty easy going around here. While you're at it, how about forwarding this to a friend? Blog, tweet and Facebook your plans to be a part of this! The more, the merrier.
Do you have a "Small Things" testimonial?? How have the Small Things helped you? We'd love to hear it!
Song of the Day: Everything I Need, Kutless (it's not available on my playlist, so click the link!)