I married a man who does not drink coffee. He says he doesn't need that crutch to get through life, proving once again that he is one tough dude.
As for me, I go to sleep at night looking forward to my next first cup of the morning, often served to my bedside by my non-caffeinated husband. For a guy who doesn't know the thrill of caffeine coursing through one's veins, I think that's pretty thoughtful. But he does know how much a junkie like me needs that first fix of the day.
My coffee habits have changed over the years. I used to have to slam back a cup of brew after dinner in order to face the nightly homework-getting-ready-for-bed-I-forgot-my-paper's-due- can-I-have-one-more-drink-I-don't-wanna-go-to-sleep routine. I needed every ounce of caffeine to make it through the last bedtime story and spanking to get those kids to stay in bed.
These days, I can't drink the stuff after 6 pm or I will be guaranteed a fitful night's sleep after tossing and turning for hours trying to get some rest.
But that first cup....well, I can't live without it. Or the second. I can survive on half of the third.
Today's Small Thing begs the question: when was the last time you cleaned your coffee maker? I wash the pot out each day, but I checked out the reservoir in back and it looks a bit...grotty. I noticed that the outside is pretty splattered and dusty. Now that I think about it, my coffee this morning doesn't taste as it should. I think it's time for a good, thorough cleansing. If you need a good chocolate chip cookie to eat with your coffee, here's my recipe.
POINTS: 30 for unplugging your coffee maker and washing it inside and out. Now, for instructions on the BEST way to do it, read on: (if you aren't a coffee drinker, you may substitute a tea kettle or another small appliance.)
Ever wonder how to clean a coffee maker the right way? Drip coffee makers need to be cleaned at least once a month to keep your coffee tasting good.
Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water mineral deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.
A mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water is the best way to clean a drip coffee maker. Mix a full pot of the vinegar and water mixture, pour it in your water reservoir and turn the coffee maker on.
Once the mixture has run completely through, it's important to turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
Pour the vinegar and water mixture down the drain. If you are cleaning a coffee maker that hasn't been cleaned regularly, repeat this step again with a fresh vinegar and water mixture.
Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.
To make sure all of the vinegar and water solution is completely gone repeat the rinsing process one more time after letting the pot cool for 15 to 20 minutes.
This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.
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Song of the Day: Black Coffee, Julie London