We've been working in our barn on a signage project for a client for the past few weeks.
I designed the artwork and my husband is doing all the hard stuff: building the frames, printing, putting everything together. The barn is FULL of these signs!
I was given the task of staining the cedar posts, but I don't mind telling you right now.......my supervisor stinks. I mean, just look at him.
Flash has an opinion about everything. Here, he is telling me I missed a spot. Well, you know what, I saw that spot and was going to go back and fix it...he's such a micromanager.
It is hard to concentrate when your boss is looking over your shoulder all the time. Does he have to stand so close?
Yes, I got all the supplies we needed, no need to do another inventory. Geez, a little trust would be appreciated.
Apparently, Flash did not like me drinking coffee during work hours so he tipped my cup over and chewed it to smithereens. I admit I knew it wasn't actually "break time," but I assumed it would be ok since we were working outside. Guess not....you know what they say about "assuming....?"
Then he went on a rant about OSHA and how dangerous it is to leave ropes laying around and how we could be sued if someone tripped....but did he have to pick it up and throw it around to make his point? A little over the top, if you ask me.
My boss even had to to second-guess the amount of stain I poured into my tray for "maximum coverage." C'mon...give me a break! For the last time, there is plenty of stain in the tray.
Flash might be a terrible supervisor, but I have to say he IS a great listener. As I worked, I discussed the current political situation, the war in Afghanistan, the rising cost of groceries and Chilean miners being rescued. He listened to my hair woes, my new favorite song, my fashion dilemmas and my gripe with teeny tiny letters on medicine packages.....all without one word of judgment.
In all fairness, I guess Flash is not that bad to work for. I'm going to suggest enrolling him in a Dale Carnegie course for managers, and I'll help him work on his people skills and give him a few tips on personal hygiene. I think he might just have some potential.
Today's Small Thing is work on your supervising skills. Everyone is a supervisor in some capacity. If you have children at home, this one is right under your nose. :) You could apply this one at work, or with people who serve you meals in a restaurant, or who wait on you in a store.
- How do you give direction? Is it clear and easy to follow?
- Or do you give too many orders at one time, resulting in frustration?
- Do you give enough time and resources for your workers to be successful?
- Do you follow up with reasonable consequences and/or rewards?
- Are you approachable when there is a problem?
- Do you micromanage, or do you allow your underlings a chance to do things on their own?
These are just a few questions to ask yourself as you go through your day. Ask God for some guidance and wisdom! James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
POINTS: 50 for taking an honest look at how you supervise at home (or at work) and making ONE positive change in your approach.
I'd LOVE to know what areas of people management you are working on today! Mine is making my instructions clear and easy to follow....
Song of the Day: Taking Care of Business, BTO