I love watching the gymnastics competitions when the Summer Olympic games are played. Wow, those athletes are amazing. I have to hold my breath through each routine, because no matter how perfect it may be, there is always the possibility that they might miss the landing and lose their chance to medal.
We can learn a lot from those elite athletes. Their dedication and sacrifice, their focus and their inner strength are to be admired. But the thing I like most is their ability to follow through to the end. You see it in runners, swimmers, gymnasts, cyclists....that last stretch of any race is the most important of all. It's where the competition is won or lost.
When I think about my day, I think of all the things that stretch my abilities and inner strength. Having patience with children, having patience with children and having patience with children being just three. But there are the tasks that I do each day that I really get sick of that test my metal. I find that I'm pretty good at doing 90% of each job and then sort of waning at the end.
I wash, dry, fold and put away all but one basket of clothes.
I do up all the dishes and then leave the pots and pans to "soak."
I sweep the floor and leave crumbs in a pile at the base of the broom in a corner, rather than scoop them up into the trash.
I empty the trash and then leave the bag by the door for "somebody" to take to the can outside.
I vacuum and then don't wind the cord up neatly on the handle.
In other words, I don't stick my landings.
Today's Small Thing is to stick your landings. Take a look at your tasks today and try and finish them off 100%. OK, realistically you won't be able to do ALL the tasks 100% (like paint the entire house AND weed the entire garden), but having a mindset that finishes well can make all the difference in the world.
Let us know: what landing will you stick today? It can be small, but it will be enough for a spot on the winner's podium!
Song of the Day: Trumpet Fanfare, Olympic Theme