I celebrated being a girl yesterday by wearing more jewelry than usual on a job site. Up and down a ladder a million times and painting a border that was too close to the ceiling to be on the rung that would have made it "comfortable" to reach, I kept my chunky bracelet on until I couldn't stand it anymore. :) I finally chucked it and a t-shirt layer of clothing that were cute, but that made it intolerably hot up there in the upper atmosphere of the room.
Unfortunately, I did not finish my project so I will be back for more painting fun and games today. Ooh, my neck and shoulder! Hello, ibuprofen and ice pack, my friends in time of need.
Feel free to link up for our weekly coffee time - to chat, share what is happening in your life, and to visit others! It's easy and fun - and a great way to find new online friends. If you don't have time to get around to all the blogs, try starting at the end and work backwards, or try starting somewhere in the middle......that way those bloggers toward the end will get some new visitors. And if you can, link to a blog POST, not just your blog - just copy and paste the post URL into the linky.
If you aren't a blogger, we do love to catch up with you in the comment section.......tell us a little bit about yourself! Don't know what to say? Answer this question: who was your favorite teacher and why?
Have a wonderful weekend - I look forward to catching up with you!
Rachel Anne
PS I apologize for this, but there is no Small Thing today. I got home late last night and have to leave early this morning...argh - my life got in the way of my blog! I hate it when that happens. :/
Song of the Day: Singin' in the Rain, Gene Kelly - just cause the song makes me happy