We've done "Stack Attacks" before, and many of you have said we ought to do them even MORE often. See, this is why we get along so well: we understand each other's proclivity toward making stacks of things "just for now," that become permanent monuments to our indecisive natures. (or, is it just me??)
I could do a Stack Attack every. single. day. at my house because stacks seem to multiply every time I turn around. I've joked about stacking being my "personal organizational style," but really. A stack is just a nice way of saying "pile."
And the word "pile" reminds me of something not-so-nice.
Do you have a stack that could be dismantled today? I've got several stacks of clean, folded laundry that could stand to be put away, for starters. I'll feel pretty great if I just get THAT done today!
Today's Small Thing is to demolish, dismantle, obliterate or otherwise annihilate a stack! Whittle that baby down to nothing and see if you don't feel like you rule the world!
POINTS 40: for getting rid of one stack
BONUS POINTS: 30 for getting rid of another one
Song of the Day: Wonder Woman Theme