"No matter where I serve my guests, It seems they like my kitchen best."
My Grandma had a plaque with this saying on a wall in her kitchen. She had an old-fashioned, "eat in" kitchen, complete with wood-burning stove that was used for warmth and which always had a kettle on it. It always smelled like coffee and homemade doughnuts in there - what a wonderful place for making memories. It was definitely the gathering spot, sitting at a table set that looked like this:
In fact, her whole kitchen kinda looked like this, except without the modern decor. I would love to have this very kitchen, complete with that red stove. Check out the curtains with the red trim...oh, that's cute!
My own kitchen is so small, we always say it could fit into an RV. It's one of the least attractive points of interest in this barn house, but still - people all cram in there whenever we have guests. It's so embarrassing. But what can I do? The kitchen is always the best place to be, no matter how small. And it's where the coffee is.
Today's Small Thing is to pay a little attention to those kitchen chairs that work so hard every day. They tend to get sticky from all the sticky fingers, get splattered with food spills, and have droplets of juice on them. The feet of mine collect the dog hair that my lab sheds. Yuck. So take a damp rag and wipe them down - make them sparkle! This task shouldn't take too long, unless you need a pick axe to get the stuck cheerios off.
POINTS: 40 for wiping off your kitchen chairs. (or barstools etc.)