I really do try and stay out of your master bedroom because the location is slightly risky. It leaves us so open to awkward moments, like the time a bunch of Bible study ladies and I were taken on a tour of the study hostess's home. It was a lovely home indeed, and our Pastor's wife was particularly complimentary when we got to the bedroom.
"Oh, I love your bedroom set!" she said. "I've always wanted a canopy." (Cheesy dark '80's stuff, but this was the actual '80's and hey, we didn't know any better.)
"Your bedspread is GORGEOUS!" (Ruffly, flouncy Victorian)
And then for some reason, the very prim, middle aged Pastor's wife flopped herself down on the bed and exclaimed in surprise, "Oh! It's a waterbed!" and then as she looked up into the canopy, another suprise: "Oh my! There are mirrors up there!"
(cricket, cricket)
"That's probably useful when you're making the bed...for seeing the corners..." she gathered herself up and fussed with her perm.
(cricket, cricket)
"Well! I think the coffee's ready!" someone croaked helpfully, and we all immediately ushered ourselves out, suddenly very interested in refreshments.
Unfortunately, the master bedroom is, more often than not, the room reserved for dumping laundry, papers, toys and everything else we don't know what to do with. I've always said that some of our discarded clothing piles are like archealogical dig sites: you can see exactly what we wore each day as you uncover layer after layer. It might be fascinating science, but it's not exactly romantic.
Today's Small Thing is to spend some time working in the room that should be, of all places, your personal retreat. Spoil yourself by removing the junk and clearing off the dressers. Make your bed and put the pillow shams on it. Put the shoes in the closet. Replace the book pile on the nightstand with one or two books and maybe even set out a candle. You work hard, and you deserve a place that soothes your soul, and delights your senses. THIS is the life you should be living, and today is the day to start doing it.
POINTS: 50 for *beautifying your boudoir! Live like a queen.
*www.homesanctuary.com and its proprietor are not responsible for any activity that happens later as a result of today's bedroom beautifying task. Today's saxophone music is intended solely for the purpose of inspiring cleaning gusto and should not be construed as a suggestion for seduction, playful flirtation or lingering glances. Company Girls are responsible for their own activities and may not hold www.homesanctuary.com liable for lost sleep, excessive morning smiling, or inappropriate next day whistling at work.
On a scale of 1-5, is your bedroom a dumpground (1), or a sanctuary (5)? How about AFTER doing the Small Thing?
Song of the Day: The Moment, Kenny G